About Digital Badge IT C.I.C.

Welcome To Digital Badge IT C.I.C. (Community Interest Company)

Registered Company Number 14487785

About Our Community Interest Company 

Community interest companies are designed for social enterprises that want to use their profits and assets for the public good. Our aims are to:

Provide programmes and resources to encourage children and young people to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, engage in leadership & enterprise activities and inspire outdoor learning.

Provide and deliver primary school and community based curriculum enrichment and extra curricular programmes, enabling children & young people to develop skills which equip them to be able to create social impact in their own communities and be rewarded through online digital badges.

Provide practical tools and resources to inspire children and young people to engage in programmes to enhance learning and development.

Meet The Team



Founder and creator of Digital Badge IT, Andrea has been creating innovative programmes for children and young people for the past 20 years in the youth, community, sport and education sectors. Find out more at: andreaholmes.co.uk

Mark DBi Team Avatar


Mark is an experienced and inspirational sports coach and primary PE specialist. Co-creator of the innovative ‘Gameshow Archery’ workshops for children & young people. Find out more: markbennettsports.co.uk

David DBI Team Avatar


David brings a wealth of experience, expertise and knowledge to Digital Badge IT C.I.C, having successfully worked in the youth, charity, education, business and corporate sectors. Past appointments have included, Head of Young People Engagement at The Midcounties Cooperative; Regional Director for Business in the Community; and Co- founding Director and CEO of PLANit Global.

Reggie Avatar


Much more than just the Digital Badge IT office dog, Reggie is our socially minded pooch raising money for dog charities through his soon to be launched pawsome range of Digital Badge IT products. He also responsible for inspiration and team happiness.

The Digital Badge IT C.I.C. Community Partnerships 

Digital Badge IT C.I.C. works in partnership with representatives from the education, youth, sport and community sectors to help us achieve our aims and outcomes for children and young people. Our partners include:

Cookley Sebright Primary School

The Young Cookley Network

Were Forest District Council
